Press Releases for artist impression

  • 1400

    What can you use visualisation for?

    In a world where we get most of the information about the world around us through eyes, surprisingly big percentage of people is no good at all in visualisation. Visualisation means you can imagine how something could look without seeing it.

    By : | 07-09-2014 | Art and Entertainment:Music | Total Views : 1400

  • 1401

    Usage of a computer visualisation programs

    It is estimated that we receive about 80% of the information through our eyes. We can say our sight is the main sense to explore and experience the world that surrounds us.

    By : | 07-09-2014 | Art and Entertainment:Books | Total Views : 1401

  • 1435

    How to help clients visualize their new home?

    It is a fact that most people are not good at visualizing things. It can be rather frustrating if you are one of those who are good in it, and frustration gets to a higher level if you are supposed to sell your idea to bad visualizers.

    By : | 07-09-2014 | Business:Business | Total Views : 1435